
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 20:53:18
1 你这么年轻就成了百万富翁,我佩服的事业有成(ENVY)
2 我父母对买多大的房子意见一致(BE IN AGREEMENT ON)
3 到目前为止,你一共欠我680美金(OWN)
4 下周将有一个关于他被任命为我们学校校长的通告发布(ANNOUNCEMENT)
5 我向经理道歉后就走了,让他一个人独自生气(APOLOGY)
6 气候的变化可能影响你的健康,所以选择居住地对你而言非常重要(AFFECT/MATTER)
7 他驾驶考试合格使大家很吃惊(SUPRISE)


1.I envy your great achievements on becaming such a young millionaire!
2.My parents are in agreement on how big the house is to buy.
3.You own me 680 U.S. dollars totally till now.
4.There will be an announcement on his appointment as our school principal next week.
5.I left after apologized to the manager, leaving him alone angry.
6.It matters much for you to choose the right residence as the climate change might affect your health.
7.It is quite surprising that he passed the driving test.